Pastors, Elders & Staff

           Pastors & Elders

Bob Stanbery

Pastor of Discipleship, Staff Elder

I grew up in Houston, Texas and started following Christ at age 16. Marilyn and I have been married since 1990, and we have one grown Son, Daniel who works as an engineer in wetlands conservation. I worked as an engineer with Shell Exploration and Production (E&P) Company for twenty-four years and served as an Associate Pastor at Midlothian Bible Church for 15 years. I have a BS Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University, MBA from University of Houston and ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary. We moved back to Houston with Shell in 2012 and we have been a member at Bridgepoint Bible Church since 2015. After retiring from Shell in 2020, I recently came on staff with Bridgepoint as the Interim Pastor of Discipleship and now Pastor of Discipleship. I enjoy reading, F3 Corridor workouts, hunting, fishing, hiking, and traveling with Marilyn.

Mark Baker

Pastor of Shepherding & Administration , Staff Elder

I grew up in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina. I moved to Houston after receiving a master’s in Biblical Counseling from Colorado Christian University in 1991. I met my wife a year later in the singles class at Spring Branch Community Church. We have three children, all Aggies, Douglas, Lauren, and Elizabeth and just added a fourth, Lauren’s husband, Jordan Gilchrist, another Aggie. I was on staff with CRU for 7 years, then worked 9 years doing social work. There I counseled families in their homes and subsequently supervised the same unit, most time at the Houston Children’s Assessment Center. I also started another career, spending 19 years as the owner of Cornerstone Automotive on Dairy Ashford. I have served at BridgePoint in various capacities, as an elder, a facilitator for the pre-marriage class with Linda for 15 years, and teaching other classes from time to time. 

Mike Tenney

Lay Elder, Chairman

Josh Howell

Lay Elder, Vice Chairman

Sam Brikho

Lay Elder, Secretary

Ronald Devenish

Lay Elder

Dave Gordon

Lay Elder

George Sun

Lay Elder

Bret Wells

Lay Elder

Zeke Zeiler

Lay Elder


Eric Brown

Worship Director

I grew up in northwest Houston and started following Jesus in high school. After attending Texas A&M University and receiving a B.S. in Ocean Engineering in 2007, I began a career in offshore engineering. In 2009, my beautiful wife, Jaclyn, and I were married and made BridgePoint our church home. In late 2021, after serving on the musical worship team for many years, the Holy Spirit stirred my heart and through His gift of faith, I stepped out of my engineering job and into a full-time musical worship role at BridgePoint. We have four wonderful kids – Paige, Cole, Nathan, and Elliot – and are thankful for God’s grace and strength which fuel our parenting. When we aren’t playing or listening to music, our family loves to laugh (mostly at ourselves), be outside, and gather people together. O that Christ would be magnified through us, for as we are weak – He is strong!

Tamara Gordon

Director of Women's Ministry

Having grown up in the cornfields of the Midwest, I was both bewildered and enamored with my first taste of Houston city life, moving to Texas as a young single professional. I had earned degrees in Business Administration and Computer Science (B.S.,1989, Grace College) which I thought meant I could reprogram the world into an orderly place--but really meant I would still be confused by my TV remote when I hit my 50s.

In that season of being enamored with my career and my pursuit of the ‘fun’ my corporate life afforded, I was also bewildered by my inability to be a truly good person despite my religious upbringing and education. When God used a Bible study to radically transform my boyfriend (now husband), I was confronted with the compartmentalized life I had been leading. By trusting in the true goodness of Jesus, my life was radically changed as well, and I experienced grace and mercy. Dave and I were married in 1996 and have been serving and leading at BridgePoint since. We’ve shared the adventure of raising two lovely young-adult Aggie daughters and are currently bravely (?) teaching our teenaged son to drive in Houston traffic. Our family and friends are a source of amazing grace in our sweet life together.

These days I find more joy in organizing a coffee date than a computer system, and I am consistently bewildered that I get the fun of leading teams of women in sharing God’s Word, a love for Jesus Christ, and a deep connection with one another.

Josh Hall

Director of Student Ministries

I was raised in the hills and hollows of West Virginia and joined the staff at BridgePoint in June of 2018. One month after coming to Houston, I married my wonderful wife, Haley. We each came to know the Lord in our high school years, and He has used the impact of youth ministry on our lives to ignite a passion for other students to know, love, and obey Jesus and to make Him known in all the world. After sensing a call to ministry, I studied Biblical and Theological Studies at Boyce College (B.A., 2018) and pursued a Master of Divinity at Southern Seminary at the same time (M.Div., 2018). I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for the youth at BridgePoint!

Kelly Smalley

Preschool Director & BELA  Director

Working in children's ministry has been a part of my life for the past 20 years. I have discovered the joy in children's ministry fills my heart with a love that can only be explained as a gift from God. My 2 years of college were spent at Sam Houston State University, where I studied Horticulture and Crop Science. I was interested in growing things, but I did not know at the time that God had designed me to be a part of His work growing children spiritually. I am married to Earl and we have 2 grown kids and 2 grandkids. I see God’s handiwork at BridgePoint as our church becomes known for its open arms and acceptance of ALL God's children, young or old, believer or non-believer, sinner or saint.

Katie Ringer

Elementary Children's Director

I was born and raised right here in Houston where I met my husband when we were in high school together. We got married in 2009 and now have 3 children. I graduated from Stephen F. Austin with a degree in Elementary Education and taught young children before becoming a mom. Now I GET to teach children about the love of Jesus (and they teach me too!), and it is such a joy. In any spare time, I also love a good book or a cup of coffee with company.

Miriam Wagner

Creative Director

During my high school years, the Lord captured my heart and life. The Holy Spirit ignited a fire within me and I became passionate about the One who loves me and saved me. Since then, the Lord and I have walked many roads together. Some were easy, but most were not. No matter the road, He remains constant, true and altogether loving. I received a BA in Marketing and a BA in Computer Information Systems Management from Houston Christian University in 1991. I have an amazing husband, Geoff, and we have four children: Anna, Aaron, Grace & Faith; son-in-law, Taylor; daughter-in-law, Taryn, and four beautiful grandchildren, Jackson, Mila, Hilton, and Brett.

Suzy Foley

BELA Assistant Director

I grew up in Houston attending Spring Branch Community Church (now BridgePoint) since I was in 6th grade. After graduating from Texas A&M University, I spent several years living and working in India. I returned to Houston in 2019 and began working with infants at BELA. Soon after that, I met and married my wonderful husband, James, and became the step-mother of his beautiful daughter. I enjoy the opportunity working at BridgePoint gives me to utilize a mix of relational and administrative skills.

          Administrative & Financial

Linda Baker

Executive Assistant to the Pastors

I grew up in the east end of Los Angeles County, California. I attended Scripps College and graduated with a degree in International Relations. Immediately following college, I worked for a large insurance firm within their International and Marine dept. Each promotion required a move and my last one involved me moving to Houston to manage their department here. To my surprise, Houston is where I met my husband, raised our three children, and built roots. My biggest strides in growth in my relationship with the Lord have been in fellowship with fellow believers, within the church. BridgePoint has been a huge catalyst in my spiritual development. It is a joy and privilege to be part of this team.

Lynnette Tu

Financial Administrator

I moved to Texas at two when my dad become the director of Frontier Camp, a Christian youth camp in East Texas, a very fun place to grow up. I ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior after VBS at age five. I was baptized at six and dedicated my life to the Lord when I was ten. My dad became at pastor of a church in Galena, Il when I was sixteen, so I chose a Christian college nearby when I graduated from high school, Trinity International University, in the Chicago area and I met my husband, Wayne there. I graduated from SFA with a degree mathematics, with almost a double major in Computer Science. After moving to Houston, we started attending Spring Branch Community Church. We have 4 children: Rebekah, Rachel, Jared, and Jacob. Some things I have been involved in at church include teaching elementary Sunday School, Children’s Choir, middle school youth, Women’s bible study volunteer project coordinator, life group leadership and Spain mission trips. We have hosted 6 exchange students for a school year and 13 other students for a month. I have worked as an exchanged student coordinator and an online English teacher, and I was the music teacher at BELA for the last 6 years. Wayne and I are now empty-nesters, so I really enjoy opportunities to see or talk to my kids. I also enjoy working with kids, learning about other cultures and traveling.

Jonathan Boring

Technical & Facilities Manager

I grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and then moved to California where I finished high school and started college. After the peak of covid my family and I moved to Houston, and found out about Bridgepoint from our pastor in Huntington beach who was friends with Gunner. While getting involved in the youth adults ministry, about 6 months later I met my wife, Makayla. My role here has really grown from only audio, video and lighting related to more facilities and IT; and it’s been an amazing time. Seeing God work in the lives of our volunteers and the weekly improvement in their skills and their hearts towards wanting to serve Him.

Elaine Turner


Being a native Houstonian, I've been told, is a rarity; but other than going to college at Wheaton and living in Austin for a couple of years, I have spent my entire life here. I am a retired RN, having worked much of my career as a school nurse in SBISD and Aristoi in Katy and then later as a dental receptionist. Reading, crocheting, swimming and going to lunch with a friend are some of the things I love. My husband Flenoyd of 50+ years and I have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren who are scattered all over the US. We began attending SBCC/BridgePoint in 1982. I first became involved in the Women's Ministry, attending Bible studies and directing retreats; started the drama ministry called the D'Vine Life Players; and directed musicals for Children's Choir and VBS. I am now the part-time receptionist at BPBC who loves to answer the phone and greet everyone who walks in the door. What brings me great fulfillment and joy is heading up the CarePoint Ministry of our church which offers lay-counseling and spiritual direction to our members.

Martha Lucia Martinez

Administrative Assistant

My life journey began in Buenaventura, Colombia, before the Lord led my family to Houston, Texas, when I was eight years old. Confronting the challenge of learning English as a young immigrant, I found inspiration in my faith, paralleling my experiences with the biblical narrative of Abraham's journey to a foreign land as directed by God. My life further flourished when I married my high school sweetheart on October 10, 2010, embarking on a journey of love and family. My heart overflows with gratitude for my three beautiful children: Johan Ivan, Melody Joy, and Joao Jeremiah. Through my role as a wife and mother, I find profound joy in sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Christ, instilling in my children the values that guide my own life. As a member of BELA, I have discovered the significance of ministering to the new generation. Guided by the understanding that, like the people of Israel - a generation can arise that does not know God, I am passionate about ensuring that the principles of faith and love are passed down through the ages. I draw inspiration from 1 Peter 2:9, believing in the call for every believer to be a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, and I strive to reflect this truth in my life and work.

Flenoyd Turner


I was born in Shreveport, Louisiana, however, the Lord called me unto Himself - my second birth - by the prodding and conviction of His Holy Spirit when I was about 10 years old while attending a small Baptist church in Lewisville, Arkansas. Years later, as a college student at the University of Houston, He then led me to a small Bible church, where I began to grow in my faith and walk with the Lord. In the early 1960’s, I began to lead music and worship in this church for about 8-10 years. Throughout the years I have continued to be involved in music in one way or another. For about 20 years, off and on, I directed church choirs, orchestras, and playing the drums on a Praise Team at Spring Branch Community Church (now BridgePoint Bible Church).  All of these facets of service and ministry have enabled me to deepen my own worship and praise to the Lord. The Lord is the one I depend on for life. He is the one I ask to guide me to the next place He wants to use me in order that He will receive all the glory and be magnified as King of kings and Lord of lords. I look forward to His soon return and the future I will have worshipping Him forever.

I met my Elaine at the Bible church I mentioned above when I was in college and we were married in 1971. We have three children, two boys and one girl, and three granddaughters. We first attended Spring Branch Community Church in 1982 and have been very involved ever since. In the summer of 2023, I began serving as a facility person at BridgePoint Bible Church, which entails doing whatever is needed around the church.

Ralph Muilenberg


I was born and raised in Houston. I received Christ as my savior at around 12 years old at a camp at my grandmother’s in Michigan. I have been married to Karen, my high school sweetheart, for 47 years. She’s also known as Ms. Karen to her BELA kids. We have 2 adult children, Christopher and Katherine, and one perfect granddaughter, Harper Marie. Karen and I have been members of Spring Branch Community church, which is now BridgePoint Bible Church, since 1977.  I practiced chiropractic for 37 years here in Houston and retired 2 years ago. I was a third generation chiropractor after my dad, his parents and my mom’s dad. I enjoy outdoor activities and working with my hands,  like gardening and fishing. I used to hunt dove - now I feed ‘em in my backyard. I am blessed to be working for the past year here at BridgePoint with Flenoyd Turner, whom I first new as Mr. Turner back in the late 60’s when I was a student at Spring Branch junior high and he was the band and orchestra teacher. We work as facilities staff, which means we take care of a range of issues here at BridgePoint, from downed tree limbs to leaky bathroom fixtures and broken playground equipment.  “That’s what I do… I fix things and I know stuff”…. though not as much as Flenoyd.